Serving at Scots
No matter what gifts God has or has not given you there will be a way to get involved and serve others at Scots. We see serving as a way to love others and serve God’s mission in our city. Every role requires some kind of screening and training. Look at the job description or ask the coordinator for details. They can help you get involved!
Job Descriptions
At the heart of any church there are people using their time, skills, and energy to love God and one another. Below you can find a list of roles at Scots, and job descriptions which show what serving in this way looks like.
Giving Spot
What to say about giving Option AAt Scots we see giving as an important part of being a follower of Jesus and we will pray
Lunch Group Leader Job Description
Why does it matter? Makes it easier for newer people to join lunch by having someone to find Helps open up lunch invite to everyone
Bread of Life Job Description
What is Bread of Life? Bread of Life is run each Sunday by Vine Church in Surry Hills providing breakfast for rough sleepers and a
Kids Church Job Description
Why does this matter? Following Jesus involves speaking and modeling the truth about him. There is no more important way to do this than with our
Up Front Interview Job Description
Why is This Important? All God’s people are called to encourage, teach and be examples to one another of living in every area of our
News Job Description
Why does this matter? The News spot sets the tone for who we are and is an imoportant opportunity to show leadership. It is not
Church Lunch Job Description
Why does this matter? In a fast-paced city context, genuine relationship and conversation can be hard to come by. Church Lunch is an opportunity to
High School Mentoring Job Description
Why does this matter? Most Christians look back on their adolescence as the time when they made a decision to follow Jesus for themselves. It
Lead in Prayer Job Description
Why does this matter? Prayer is at the heart of how we relate to God. How we pray together will shape our thinking about God,
Music Team Job Description
Why does this matter?The music team, working closely with the AV team and theService Leader, lead us as we engage our hearts and mindsin extolling
AV Team Job Description
Why does this matter?The AV team, working in close co-operation with the Music Team, lead us as we engage our hearts and minds in extolling
Lead Church Job Description
Why does this matter? For all who gather on the day – believers and unbelievers – you have a crucial role in setting the tone
Morning Tea Team Job Description
Why does this matter? Connecting over Morning Tea is a vital part of Sunday morning as we meet new people, continue to discuss what we
Greet Team Job Description
Why does this matter? All sorts of people come through the grand and slightly intimidating front steps of Scots on a Sunday: those seeking God
Bible Reader Job Description
Why does this matter? God has revealed himself in his word. We can know what he is like. We can learn how to serve him and
Leadership Roles
Platform Coordinator Job Description
Why Does This Matter? What happens on the platform is the most obvious and public way people gain an impression of what matters to us.
Session – Elders and Deacons Job Description
Given that the general powers of the session under the PCNSW code includes proscribing the roles given to deacons within the life of the congregation,
Management Committee Job Description
The role of the Management Committee (MC) is to wisely administer the finances and assets of Scots Church Sydney in a manner that will assist
Coordinator Job Description
Co-ordinators work behind the scenes to: Identify and recruit new team members subject to sign off from the Serve Director. Organize ministry-relevant training in this
Hub Leadership Job Description
Hub Leadership Why is the role of Hub Leadership important? At Scots, our mission is to glorify God by proclaiming Christ and growing disciples who
Serve Director Job Description
The Serve Director is the Coordinator of the Coordinators. Why Does This Matter? God calls the church to be a body where each part serves
Job Descriptions on Elvanto
Fire Warden Job Description
This Job Description is not available to the public. Scots members can find it on Elvanto here.
Lockup Job Description
This Job Description is not available to the public. Scots members can find it on Elvanto here.