Hope Explored
If you’re having a read of this page and are still exploring Christianity, you might want to start by looking at our Hope Explored Course over 3 weeks.
Our Vision
We're Bible Based.
We can know the gospel because God has revealed himself to us in the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. In the New Testament we find the witness of the apostles, Jesus’ chosen messengers, to the life, death, rising and teaching of Jesus. In the Old Testament we find the story of God’s unfolding plan that is fulfilled in Jesus. All the books of the Bible faithfully and reliably reveal what God is like us and tell us all we need to know to trust and follow Jesus.
We are a Church on Mission.
We are a Trinitarian Church.
We believe the good news is that Jesus, God’s eternal Son. He is both fully God and fully human, and was put to death on a cross in Jerusalem almost 2,000 years ago as an atonement for the sins of the world. But he has been raised by God the Father to deathless life and given all authority in heaven and earth, including the authority to judge and forgive. In trusting Jesus we have come to know for ourselves – forgiveness of sin, peace with God, the gift of His Holy Spirit, adoption as His children, and the hope of a bodily resurrection and eternal life in a new creation. In coming to know Jesus as God’s Son we have also been brought to know God the Father who sent the Son into the world, and God the Spirit whom the Father entrusted to the Son to pour out on those who trust Him. Thus we confess One God, Father, Son and Spirit, the Creator of all there is.