Greet Team Job Description

Why does this matter?

All sorts of people come through the grand and slightly intimidating front steps of Scots on a Sunday: those seeking God and perhaps coming to a church for the first time, those returning after a bad experience at church in the past, perhaps a visitor to the city where a change of context is a time to rethink the big questions of life. Regulars coming to church may have had a fantastic or a terrible week and are struggling to get there. The reception people receive at the door can set the tone for church being a place where everyone is welcome – no matter who they are or how they are feeling. Your welcome may be part of the morning being a significant encounter with God.

There is a team of 3-4 greeters appointed each Sunday. While one is the designated leader (see roster in Elvanto) it is everybody’s responsibility to communicate clearly and serve in a proactive and co-ordinated way.

What is Involved?

Preparation (9:45-9:50am)

  • Get to church at 9:45am
  • Leave personal items such as bags inside church/church office
  • Team Leader/first Greet Team member to arrive to bring Greeting Box (with nametag printers and lanyards inside) and laptops from church office to the back of the auditorium
  • Team to meet at the back of the auditorium
  • Team Leader to lead Greet Team in short 1 minute prayer; if some Team members are late, you can start setting up nametag printers and pray once whole Team has arrived
  • Team Leader to allocate roles (see below) and advise of any changes to normal job description for that week
  • Front Door Greeters to put on Greet Lanyard
  • Pray for your team leading up to and on the day. A quick helpful prayer might be:Father God, we thank You because You welcome and love all people.  We pray that You might help us to welcome people warmly just as You have welcomed us warmly through the cross.  Help us to be mindful of those who in the city might be anxious, lonely, busy or skeptical about church.  May our church be a place where we and all who come today find rich connection with You and Your people.

Each week the Greet Team will consist of 3-4 members with 2 roles:

Before Church (9:50-10:30am)

Front Door Greeters:

  • Set up A-frame (in the church office) outside the gates
  • (If the lift is working) Open basement doors using lanyard and turn on basement lights; check that the mobility lift is ready for use (see below)
  • Stand just inside the entrance
  • Warmly greet and direct people into church:
    • If they are new, step aside and add them into Elvanto on your phone. Click here to see how to add new people into Elvanto on your phone. (If they are a family, direct them up the stairs, as it is easier to add them into Elvanto on the laptops.)
    • If they have kids, direct them to Kids Church. Familiarise yourself with the Kids Church Coordinator rostered on that day and direct all new families to talk to this coordinator.
      • Pre K is in the Chapel.
      • K-6 has age-appropriate activity packs, which can be obtained from the Kids Church Coordinator (direct new families to this coordinator).
      • Remind all families to check in with the nametag greeters.
    • (If the lift is working) Prams / strollers / wheelchairs to the mobility lift to the right of the doors. Click here to see how to use the mobility lift.

Nametag Greeters:

  • Remove printers, powerboards and extension cables from the Greeting Box
  • Set up laptop and printers on 2 bar tables just outside the auditorium
    • Use the powerpoints just inside the auditorium on the left and right; make sure wires are not a tripping hazard
  • Click here to read how to use the Nametag System
  • Click here for contingency plan if the technology isn’t working
  • Unlock and open glass doors once you are ready (there is a door code with instructions between the name tag printing stations the lift)
  • Check in and print nametags for Greet Team and those already inside, including Kids Church (you can check against the Run Sheet and/or ask Front Door Greeters to help if needed)
  • Check in and print nametags for each person as they arrive (keep an eye out for people coming up the lift from the basement); if new people decline to check in, we can let them in, but Greet Team members should inform their Team Leader, who should inform Craig or other Scots staff (particularly encourage families with children to check in for child protection purposes)
    • Toilets: Women’s on the ground floor on the left and upstairs on the right, men’s upstairs on the left
    • Kids Church: See above
    • Newcomers: Keep an eye out for newcomers and if they look isolated, make an effort to connect them with regulars (there are usually some regulars standing around, and you can just ask some regulars to talk to the newcomers)
    • Seating: When the pre-church video starts playing, 1 Nametag Greeter should ask any people still standing to sit
      • Encourage people to sit on the ground floor from the front to the back (people who wish can sit on the mezzanine)
      • Families with young children should sit in the ‘Parents and Tots’ section in the back left of the auditorium
      • People who are mobility impaired should be seated on the ground floor

During Church (10:30-11:30am)

  • Everyone should stay in their roles until the talk starts (or 10:45am if there are a lot of latecomers).  Nametag Greeters can keep an ear out for when the Bible reading starts and let Front Door Greeters know to start heading in (if practicable)
    • After the talk starts/10:45am, close the basement doors, and 1 Nametag Greeter should stay near the printers just inside the auditorium.  Keep an eye out for latecomers, check them in, and direct them where to sit.  Keep one laptop/printer setup for check-in, and run updates on the other one if required.
    • If there are people sitting on the mezzanine, greeters and latecomers should also sit on the mezzanine
  • Be mindful of the ‘Parents and Tots’ area in the back left of the auditorium. Please ensure that only families sit in this area.
  • After the kids return to the auditorium after Kids Church (or 11:15am if there is no Kids Church), lock and close glass doors for child protection purposes (there is a door code with instructions between the name tag printing stations and the lift). You can leave the far right door propped open with a door stop for entry and exit purposes.

After Church (11:30am-12:00pm)

  • Keep an eye out for newcomers and if they look isolated, make an effort to chat to them and/or connect them with regulars
  • Pack up laptops, printers, A-frame, and any other equipment brought out for greeting (be careful not to block exits for people leaving)
  • Debrief with team and give feedback as needed
  • Return lanyards and collect belongings from church office
  • Team Leader to return the Greeting Box to the church office

– – –

Team Leader

  • On the day, give clear direction and constructive feedback to your team. It’s the Team Leader’s role to train and direct greet team in best practice
  • Be mindful of your team. Your role is to set the vision, know their roles, keep an eye on them, assist them where needed and troubleshoot any issues
    • Be familiar with the vision and the Greeting Job Description (this page)
    • Familiarise yourself with the Kids Church Coordinator rostered on Elvanto that day and let your team members know
    • If any complex issues arising with Greet Team on the day, escalate to Greet Team Coordinator and/or Elders/Deacons
  • Take mental notes of constructive feedback to give to your team
  • Give your team encouragement and feedback for serving afterwards in person, or by text or email. Give the Greet Team Coordinator any feedback as to what worked, what didn’t and suggestions for improvement
  • Pray for your team leading up to and on the day
  • Be alert to those new to serving in this role and connect with them during the week
    • You will usually get an email ahead of time if someone is new
    • Model for them how to speak to someone who arrives or roleplay these conversations
  • Set an example: aim to arrive ahead of time, be focused on the task and be gracious with team members
  • People can drop out unexpectedly, expect to redeploy and recruit others as required (ask other Greet Team members as they arrive or ask the Greet Team Coordinator)


The Coordinator(s) works behind the scenes to resource this ministry. A Coordinator will be rostered on each week (look in Elvanto) to deal with last minute drop-outs.

  • Recruit new volunteers (subject to sign off from Serve Director).
  • Provide training for new volunteers.
  • Liaise regularly with team leaders.
  • Proactively monitor the effectiveness of this ministry against the overall Scots vision and suggest changes to the Serve Director.
  • Monitor and manage volunteer drop-outs.
  • At Scots on Sundays, the Greet Coordinator and the Platform Coordinator are the fire wardens.

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