The role of the Management Committee (MC) is to wisely administer the finances and assets of Scots Church Sydney in a manner that will assist in spreading the gospel in the city and beyond. The MC is regulated by the PCNSW Code (see especially pp 41-47).
As stipulated under the Code:
The Congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM) elects members to the MC with the Congregation determining the number of people to be elected.
As well as the elected members, elders are ex-officio members but do not normally attend. The Moderator is the chair and the Committee elects a secretary and a Treasurer each year.
Those elected to the MC must meet BTS requirements for congregational leaders.
The Committee reports to the ACM on the work of the MC including an audited set of financial accounts for the previous calendar year and a budget for the current year.
The Congregation receives the budget and the MC is required to spend finances in line with the presented budget.
If the MC wants to spend more than the amount set in a line item in the budget it must call a Congregational meeting and submit a revised budget. The Congregation may set a margin (for example 10% per line item) so that small overspends on a particular line do not trigger a Congregational Meeting.
The minutes of the Committee are available for any member of the congregation to view upon request.
This Job Description should be read in conjunction with the Scots Church Sydney Mission and Values.