Why does this matter?
For all who gather on the day – believers and unbelievers – you have a crucial role in setting the tone and giving appropriate guidance. You also set the tone and provide guidance for the team who will contribute up-front as well as those behind the AV desk. Things often change at the last minute – try to remain a calm and collaborative team leader.
Before Sunday
Check for additional roles. Often the person leading church will be allocated to pray. Unless otherwise stated, it is your role to open and close the meeting. If a role is unallocated or people drop out, you do not need to recruit people. The Platform Coordinator (see Elvanto, usually Craig) will do this. If you need to drop out simply decline before COB Wednesday – earlier the better. Text the Platform Coordinator for a last-minute drop out.
Liaise (if necessary) with the Preacher. Do this early in the week. Make sure that in your planning, the way you intend to lead the morning will help the message, not distract from it or duplicate it – unless the speaker asks you to do so there is no need to explain the passage, provide background to it or introduce the key idea of the talk. Leave it to the speaker.
Liaise (if necessary) with the Music Leader. Unless you arrange otherwise it is your role to introduce the songs. You are responsible for planning how the songs fit with the rest of the morning. Songs have been chosen but it is OK to swap in other songs on our playlist but check in advance (by COB Wednesday) with the Music Leader.
Liaise (if necessary) with Matt Cain. Texts for Welcome, Close and Prayer of Confession are usually allocated (check Elvanto). Notify Matt at admin@scotschurchsydney.org by COB Wednesday regarding any change to Welcome, Close, songs, or to the order of elements. Any more substantial changes to the Plan should be checked with the Platform Coordinator. All changes made need to be reflected in Elvanto.
Pray for yourself and the others involved.
On the Day: Be organised, start on time.
30 mins before
Be visible and available so that you can respond to any hiccups and be ready to start on time.
Ahead of the prayer huddle, check in at the AV desk about which mics will be used on the morning.
15 mins before
You lead the prayer huddle that involves everyone “up front” and the AV team.
Run through the order of service. Work off the live Plan in Elvanto (or the Runsheet App) on your phone/tablet.
Clarify intros, explanations, handovers and mic usage.
Clarify with song leaders and AV team regarding who will intro each song, whether to sit/stand, the need to explain any “tricks” (repeat sections, male & female parts, etc).
Pray together.
Start on time.
At the end
Look for opportunities to give positive feedback to those involved.
Steenwyk & Witvliet, The Worship Source Book [Borrow from office] [PDF]
Gibson & Earngey, Reformation Worship [Borrow from office]