Option A
At Scots we see giving as an important part of being a follower of Jesus and we will pray now for our online giving.
Option B
If you would like to start giving online, our bank details are on the website under Get Involved | Give. Or use the QR code on your handout to navigate there.
Option C
If you are a visitor today, you might notice that we don’t pass a bucket around asking for donations. We are just glad that you are here today to hear about God’s love that he offers you free of charge.
If you are a regular, we don’t pass a bucket around for your spur-of-the-moment giving. We would love you to be part of our mission in the city by going to our website, get our bank details, and set up something regular, sustainable and sacrificial.
Option D
As God’s people, we have so much to thank and praise him for. One of the ways we thank and worship God is through our financial giving so that his name will be honoured and more and more come to know him. If you would like to partner with us in our mission here in the city by giving financially, go to our website, click Get Involved and then Give, grab our bank details and set up something regular and generous.
Option 1
Heavenly Father, we pray for our financial giving. We ask that it might be used for your glory and the furtherance of your kingdom. Amen.
Option 2
Heavenly Father, Creator and Sustainer, all that we have has come undeserved from your gracious hand. Out of the abundance of what you have given to us we bring before you our financial gifts given online, in thanks and worship and praise. Amen.
Option 3
Gracious God, we bring back these gifts to you as a token of thanks for all your gifts, most especially the priceless gift of your son. We ask that these funds be used wisely that he might be honoured and glorified in our city anf throughout the world. Amen.
Option 4
Heavenly Father, thank you we can be part of a church family where people serve one another in many ways as the body of Christ. And we thank you especially that we can all serve in the ministry of financial supporting the work of the gospel together as you enable us to do so. Father, whether our contribution is large or small, we ask that you would fill us with joy and a sense of privilege that we can join you in the work that matters for all eternity.
Please give wisdom to our Committee of Management as they oversee our finances and steward the building you have provided us in this strategic location in the city. HF, take us and use us for your glory so that many in our city might come to know you. Amen.